Event Center
The Dark Sky Arts Comedy EventsCenter located at 71845 Twentynine Palms Hwy, 29 Palms, California 92277. There is Seating for two hundred people.
Ghost Kitchen
Rent out a ghost kitchen for an even, party or a special occasion for your business. Joshua Tree National Park has some great adventures for all your professional chief needs. Don't let traveling get in the way of your passion. Express your need for cooking by entertaining our local hotel guest with your expertise or destressing by making some dishes for loved ones underneath the night skys.
Vinos Pub
A local rendition of a wine and dive bar has taken over this local watering hole in 29 palm joshua tree area. We are open on select days.
Food Truck's
We offer mutplie food truck parking spots for lease to qualified and certified individuals and companies.
Our event center is located at 71845 Twentynine Palms Hwy 29 Palms Califoria 92277. All parking is paid for electronically all others will be towed or impounded. No overnight parking, event goes must have a parking pass, and only park in designated areas. Vehcile owner park at their own risk.